
Root resection is the removal of a tooth’s root tip and the cleansing of its proximity to save the tooth. The necessity of this is to remove the accumulation (abscess, granuloma, cyst) that is inflamed even after a correct, adequate and final root-end filling, along with the infected root tip. This way, the patient could keep his teeth for long.
Due to the anaesthetic, it is absolutely painless, the operation lasts for 20-30 minutes, depending on the status of the root. The time for recovery is about 7-10 days.

When is it required:

  1. If root-end filling could not be done in proper length due to the root is crooked or there is stenosis in the root canal
  2. Multiple attempts are unsuccessful
  3. If the tooth is not symptom free even after successful root-end filling
  4. If chronic inflammation occurs around the root tips of teeth that were treated inadequate or too late in a root canal therapy
  5. If filling material had been squuezed through the tip of the root
  6. If the root could not be dehydrated even after multiple attempts
  7. If other surgery could be done after the removal of the root tip
  8. If the procedure around the root tip could be considered a dental plexus, a reason of other illness (hair loss, pain in joints, myocardial inflammation, problems with skin, migrainous headache).

When is it unavailable:

  1. In case of different anatomic formations in the proximity
  2. In case of heavy sac formation around the tooth
  3. In case of severe bone decay, where the fixedness of the tooth is inadequate
  4. In case of too much pulp tissue is needed to be removed from the root and adequate fixation could not be guaranteed
  5. The overall state of health is inadequate
  6. In case of pus-filled inflammation

The procedure of root resection:

Before the removal of the root tip could be done, the root-end filling should be checked in case of teeth treated with root canal therapy. Teeth that were not treated with root-end filling before should be treated and filled. If the additional root-end filling becomes unsuccessful, root resection is required. If the root-end filling is successful, there is a possibility of avoiding the surgery.

The operation usually takes place in local anaesthetic, where analgesic solution is injected between the tissues. After the anaesthetic, we make a lobe with an incision on the mucosa. After that, we open the root tip through the little bone window and remove it with a sharp diamond drill. If the root-end filling is inadequate, retrograde root-end filling could be needed. This means, the root-end filling is made backwards, from the tip to the proper height. After all of this, the cavity of the would would be cleansed, the debris would be removed. If necessary, the cavity would be filled with bone replacement materials. The edges of the wound would be combined with seams. For this, we use non-absorbable seam. The removal of seams could take place on the 7-8th day. The total recovery of the bone lasts usually 6-12 months.

What to do after root resection:

  • Do not eat until the effect of the anaesthetic lasts
  • Put cold pack on your face, on the proper side according to the surgery, on the day of the surgery
  • Several days of rest is recommended
  • Adequate oral hygiene is important, brush your teeth more frequent than usual
  • It is recommended to use antiseptic mouthwash
  • In case of severe pain, it is recommended to use painkillers